
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

2 Quick Things You Can Do NOW to Combat Edgerank

Has your facebook engagement dropped? I know it has for my page. I also now see fewer updates in my newsfeed from the pages I like. So people started posting the "Please add me to an Interest List" post. Basically, we have been reduced to begging our fans to add us to an interest list so they'll see our updates. It's not real classy... but aside from paying facebook, what's a small business to do??

Well, there are two things you can do.

1. Make your own dang interest list. 
There's a problem with that post that's going around. You've just asked the fans that already see your posts to the time to create an interest list and add you to it. How many people do you think are going to take the time to do this? Remember... you want to make it easy for people to see you... you want to make it as easy as humanly possible. So instead of telling them to do the work, you do it yourself. Create an interest list on facebook of pages and people that your fans... your target market... will WANT to follow.

For example: Let's say you make tutus for pets. Your target market is made up of pet lovers. You would want to include other facebook pages that your target market will be interested in.  Pages with pet care tips, pet food recipes, pet leashes, pet toys, pet beds, pet tips, and maybe some funny pet pages.

You would create your own interest list, including your own page in it, and then ask your fans to subscribe to the interest list. All they have to do is click the subscribe button... easy peasy! Much easier than trying to create their own list.

So make your own list, promote it, promote it, promote it, and ask others to promote it.

If you've never created an interest list, here's a quick tutorial:

Creating an Interest List on Facebook from Kelly Sorenson

Of course, I created an interest list for all of you. Pages I think you will all love! Lots of social media and business information here!
(click the image, click subscribe)

2. Sign the petition!
One of the pages included in the interest list I created is Social Identities. Hugh has started a petition to have edgerank made an option or at least less intrusive so people don't miss so many posts. You can find the petition here:
Make Edgerank an Option and Let US Control Our Own Newsfeed
He's also set up a facebook page called Make Edgerank an Option to help promote the petition.

Go LIKE those pages, sign the petition, and share it on your facebook page! Maybe we can get facebook to turn this whole mess around.

Ok kids, don't forget to sign up for the branding and beyond newsletter. Awesome-Sauce... straight to your inbox.

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of creating an interest list for your fans. Brilliant! But as much as I hate EdgeRank - do you really think it's possible for anyone on FB to see everything from their friends and "liked" pages? I mean, there's even algorithms for what you see from your friends... if you want to see more of it, you have to interact with it. Or conversely, post stuff people will want to interact with.


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